Yeates Mancil Architects provided full A/E Services for the design of this new Pre-Kindergarten through 12th Grade school in lower Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana. The 2-story school building was designed to educate 600 students and is approximately 100,000 square feet. The new school encompasses state of the art classrooms and administrative areas, a large commercial kitchen/cafeteria, a large media center and gymnasium (complete with associated locker rooms and toilet/shower facilities). The new school also encompasses new band, choir and music practice rooms, science labs and a carpentry workshops. The school is elevated above grade an entire floor height (16 feet) to comply with FEMA Base Flood Elevations. Yeates and Yeates also handled the demolition of the existing school and the construction of the new parking, access roads and new spanning concrete bridge that connected the school site to Highway 39.xt.